Discover the wide range of


  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Pils

    BECK’S Pils

    Beer lovers all around the world recognise BECK’S Pils right away by its inimitable taste. BECK’S is a beer that suits you: confident, self-assured and cosmopolitan. BECK’S Pils inspires and accompanies you on your journey of discovery around the world!

    BECK’S Pils

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Unfiltered

    BECK’S Unfiltered

    Naturally cloudy pilsner with a smooth, refreshing taste. Inspired by the brewing process dating back to 1873, BECK’S Unfiltered is a BECK’S in its most original and natural form. The result is a naturally cloudy, gently sparkling pilsner with a balanced taste: smooth and refreshing. To distribute the beer’s natural cloudiness before drinking, simply turn the sealed bottle upside down briefly before opening.

    BECK’S Unfiltered

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Gold

    BECK’S Gold

    A unique taste experience in the unmistakable clear glass bottle. BECK’S Gold is a mild, genuine BECK’S with a fresh, less bitter taste. Modern. Golden. International. Experience the urban jungle lifestyle with BECK’S Gold – the trendsetter of BECK’S beers!

    BECK’S Gold

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Blue

    BECK’S Blue

    BECK’S Blue gives you the full BECK’S taste in an alcohol-free beer. No matter where your own path leads: take the new BECK’S Blue with its new recipe with you and always keep a clear head. Because the best moments come from an unclouded mind. Just like BECK’S Blue. Its refreshingly pure character is not an either/or. The alcohol-free beer, brewed according to the German Purity Law, lets you decide how to live your life at any time of the day or night.

    BECK’S Blue

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Lemon Brew

    BECK’S Lemon Brew

    The first lemon brew with naturally brewed lemonade. 50% BECK’S with 50% brewed lemonade and 100% natural taste: less sweet with fermented notes. Free from artificial additives and flavours: that’s BECK’S Lemon Brew.

    BECK’S Lemon Brew

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Ice

    BECK’S Ice

    Enjoy the refreshing, slightly fruity taste of crisp lime and mint in an extraordinary look. BECK’S Ice is the clear beer mix with only 2.5% alcohol and your personal party companion and night owl ... Ice up your life!

    BECK’S Ice

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Green Lemon

    BECK’S Green Lemon

    Enjoy the refreshing, crisp and limey taste of BECK’S Green Lemon, the beer mixed drink with only 2.5% alcohol. The crisp beer mix from the regular BECK’S range is slightly sweet, pleasantly hoppy and contains a dash of fresh lime.

    BECK’S Green Lemon

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Red Holunder

    BECK’S Red Holunder

    Go your own way – make your own mix: BECK’S Red Holunder was the first beer by fans for fans. Your BECK’S Red Holunder is now a permanent fixture in the BECK’S range. So you can enjoy the taste of summer all year round. Fresh BECK’S and fruity, flavourful elderberry make up this perfect summer mix. And with only 2.5% alcohol, Red Holunder is the perfect drink for hot days and balmy nights.

    BECK’S Red Holunder

  • Image of a 330ml bottle Beck's Green Lemon Zero

    BECK’S Green Lemon Zero

    BECK’S Green Lemon Zero is a crisp mix with the refreshing, fruity taste of lime – and no alcohol. No matter what you’re doing: follow your goals and refuel with an alcohol-free beer. Made from hops, malt and fresh ideas: BECK’S Green Lemon Zero is just the thing if you’re looking for fresh taste and want to have everything 100% under control. Quench your thirst for life with 0% alcohol.

    BECK’S Green Lemon Zero

  • Image of a 330ml bottle PerfectDraft®


    With the best-in-test PerfectDraft®, you can enjoy a cool, fresh BECK’S on tap at home in no time at all. This is how it tastes best.


» Information on nutritional values «



of innovation needed a celebration that matched our pioneering spirit.

That’s why from recipe to marketing, every decision in the making of this beer was made by A.I.

We didn’t make Autonomous, Autonomous made itself.

How Autonomous made itself?

A pioneering beer needed a pioneering approach.

We devised a system called “Compound prompting” in which every prompt we input into A.I. and the answer we got, informed the next prompt. This is how it happened.


Kick-off conversation: Where everything began. We sat with A.I.and had a good chat. We told it about our pioneering spirit, our ambition, and asked for ideas to celebrate our 150 anniversary.


Idea: After our deep, long chat, A.I. gave us the idea to make an anniversary beer entirely with A.I. We decided to go for it and stay true to the idea.


Recipe: What would this pioneering beer taste like? We asked it for a recipe and out of millions of potential combinations, it gave us a perfect blend of yeast, malts, water and hops and we got brewing.


Name: With the recipe brewing, we now needed a name. So we asked for one that would reflect our initial chat, our concept and the recipe. Enter Autonomous.


Manifesto: Using the concept, and name as a basis, we asked Autonomous to write a mission statement and have a point of view to inform the rest of its development.


Logo: We had a recipe, a name and a mission statement. We asked what a logo would look like? and we got one that considered all elements generated so far.


Tagline: Leveraging on all previous steps, we asked Autonomous to write its own tagline. It came back, quite fittingly, with “The beer that made itself”.


Can design: We asked Autonomous to design a can that would bring to life our concept considering our initial chat, recipe, name and logo. Autonomous was now ready.


Website Design: Autonomous was ready to launch, so we asked it to create its own website considering all the information it had already generated.

That will be later incorpored in our AD Campaign


AD Campaign: We asked Autonomous to sell itself. It considered its audience and gave us posters, billboards and social media ads to run, and we did.


Radio: Autonomous looked and tasted good, but how does it sound? We asked it how best to talk about itself on the radio. And not only wrote, but even voiced its own radio ad.


Film: Autonomous came up with a full advertising video script telling its own story, crafted to the last detail with A.I. to bring it to life.


Influencers: Autonomous created its own marketing strategy which included influencers,and even suggested lines for the influencers to use.


Now Autonomous is here. One of the first A.I. creations to truly crossover from code, to screen and into the real world, where people can feel it, smell it and taste it. Beck’s Autonomous is A.I. brought to life.

The History of BECK’S


  • 1873


    Kaiser-Brauerei Beck & May o.H.G. was founded by master brewer Lüder Rutenberg from Bremen, master brewer Heinrich Beck and merchant F. G. Thomas May on 27 June.

    Picture of an old postcard, which shows the brewery>

Beck‘s - Einfach legendär
Beck‘s - Einfach legendär
Beck‘s - Einfach legendär

Our Brewery Tours

Discover the art of brewing and explore the exciting history of our local brands BECK’S and Haake-Beck! Our varied tour will take you through our museum, the raw materials room and the brewhouse, past malt silos, fermentation tanks and storage tanks, to our laboratory. Afterwards visitors get the chance to join a beer tasting in the guest room. We serve three different beers from our product range. Soft drinks are of course available as well.

  • Duration: 3 hours
    Language: German, English
    Minimum age: 16. This also applies to children accompanied by a parent or guardian.
    You must wear sturdy shoes to take part in the brewery tour. Flip-flops, which are popular in summer, are not allowed.

    We reserve the right to make changes.

    We are looking forward to your registration (required)!

    Register now

    Brewery tours will go ahead if at least 20 people are registered.

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© 2025 Brauerei Beck & Co
- By using this website, you agree to the Privacy Policy. BECK’S supports only the legal and responsible consumption of beer. Only share the content of this website with people who are old enough to legally consume alcohol.